Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

 484 Index

confession (sacrament) (continued)
communion and, 85 , 268
contrition and, 285
deathbed, 381 – 85 , 388 – 90
Easter duty, 9 , 297 – 98
frequency, 85 , 295 – 97
lay attitudes toward, 85 , 294 – 98 , 431
the ordeal and, 128
orthodoxy and, 271 , 440 – 42
penitents and, 92 – 93
preparations for, 326 , 361 , 363
written, 291 – 93 , 302 – 3
confessional manuals, 290 , 293 , 298
Confiteor (prayer)
confession, 287
liturgical use, 251 , 270 , 308
penitents’ use of, 93 , 390
confirmation (sacrament), 186 , 235 , 310 , 330
confraternities, 74 , 77 – 103 .See alsoflagellants; lay
charitable work by, 72 , 86 , 88 , 196
clerical, 35 – 36 , 49 – 51 , 73 – 74
clericalization, 354 , 422
communal corporations as, 6 , 128 – 30
confession and communion rules, 267 , 295 – 96
devotional life, 89 – 94 , 345 – 47 , 351 , 358
feminization, 426 – 27
funerals, 93 , 399 – 402
Marian, 101 , 354
suffrages, 73 , 412 , 416
Conrad, emperor, 125
consanguinity, 144
Consolamentum(Cathar ritual), 432
Constantine, emperor, 33
Constantino of Orvieto, 98
Constantinople, 366

contrade. Seeneighbors and neighborhoods
convents of women, 426 – 27
conversi.Seelay penitents
‘‘conversion of life,’’ 70 , 181 – 85
coparentage (canon law), 338
corporations, business, 131 – 32

corporations, communal, SeePopolo
cosmetics, 146
counsels of Christ, 85
counterfeiters, 122
courts, 46 – 47 , 177 , 454
craft guilds. SeePopolo

Credenza di Sant’Ambrogio, 128
Creed, Apostles’
catechetical use, 337 , 339 – 40
devotional use, 351 , 362 – 63 ,fig. 55
Creed, Nicene, 290 , 317 , 339
Crema, 29

baptistery, 29
cappella organization, 129 – 30
carroccio, 112 , 126 – 27
Holy Week, 318 , 324 , 329 , 331 – 32
lay penitents, 423
liturgical practice, 149 , 276 , 279 , 303 , 316 – 17 ,
palio, 172
saints’ cults, 180 , 190 – 92 , 201 , 204 – 5 , 207 , 430
crime and criminals
clerical, 45 , 301
mendicants and, 425
public penance for, 299
religious aspects, 122 , 177 , 409
cross.See alsoSign of the Cross
on choir screen, 238 ,fig. 7
at death and funerals, 238 , 397 , 404 , 407
devotional use, 238 , 343 , 361 , 363 , 365
for heresy, 444
monumental, 19 , 119 , 121 , 133
veneration of, 324 – 26 , 346 – 47
cross-dressing, 283
Crown of Thorns (feast) 171
Crown of Thorns (relic), 320
crusades, 108 , 387
Crutched Friars, 422
curfew, 176 , 195
custom, religious, 79 , 150 , 247
cypress (tree), 409

dancing, religious, 335
Dante Alighieri
on Asdente of Parma, 190
on Florence baptistery, 27 – 28 , 32 , 311
on Francesco di Accursio, 439
on battle of Montaperti, 111
on rogation processions, 153
on Zita of Lucca, 115
da Romano (family), 114 , 122 – 24 , 126 , 137 .See also
Ezzelino da Romano; Salvaza da Romano
at baptismal rites, 33 , 328
funerals, 395 – 96 , 403 , 407
Gospel proclamation, 24 – 25 , 240 , 247 , 251 ,
316 , 318 , 324 , 332 – 33
liturgical functions, 253 – 54 , 256 , 276 , 303 – 4 ,
307 , 314 , 335
in processions, 149 , 152 , 155
ordination, 281 – 82
staffing churches, 34 , 41 – 42
deadly sins.Seecapital sins
death and dying, 381 – 97 .See alsofunerals; suffrages
bell ringing for, 394 – 96 , 404
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