Cities of God: The Religion of the Italian Communes 1125-1325

(Darren Dugan) #1

Index 489 

heresy and heretics
attitudes toward confession, 294
attitudes toward Mass, 239 , 246 , 249 , 270 , 339
burial of, 408 – 9
definitions of, 235 , 238 , 310
inquisitions of, 46 , 428 – 57
lay views on, 75 , 77 , 191 – 92 , 195 – 96 , 198 , 446 ,
mendicants and, 96 – 97 , 428 – 33
numbers and importance, 428 – 30
Pater Noster, use by, 351
penalties against, 409 , 438
public penance for, 299
reconciled groups, 354
repression by communes, 21 , 107 – 8 , 137 , 139 –
40 , 424 – 25
rights during trials, 434 , 439 – 40 , 442 – 43 , 445
scholarship, place in, 2 – 3 , 10
wills of, 386
Hilary of Arles, St., 116
Hilary of Poitiers, St., 111 – 12
Hildebert of Lavardin, bp., 141
holiness, ideas of, 179 – 82 , 188 – 92 , 193 – 200
Holy Cross, feast of, 86 , 281
Holy Innocents, feast of, 277 – 78
Holy Land, 43 , 185 , 206
Holy Name of Jesus, 363
Holy Saturday, 326 – 32
Holy Thursday, 304 – 6 , 321 – 23 , 327 – 28
Holy Trinity, Mass of, 128
Holy Week, 213 – 14 , 274 , 317 – 26 , 331
Honorius III, pope, 78 , 81
Honorius Augustodunensis, 361
hospitality to heretics, 436 , 439
hospitals, 87 , 195 , 199 , 388
Host, 210 , 264 – 65 , 270
Hostiensis (Enrico of Susa), 38 , 76 , 80 , 294 , 299 ,
Hugh of St. Victor, 360
Humbert of Romans, 296
approval, 75 – 76
bequests to, 387
communes and, 90 , 422 , 424
devotional life, 239 , 353 – 54 , 416
humility and holiness, 191
hunting, 284
Hyde, J. K., 3
hymns.Seeprayers, hymns, and liturgical texts;
vernacular, religious use of
Hymo of Haversham, 298

Iacopone of Todi, 91
illness and holiness, 186 – 87
Illumination of the Holy Cross, 170
images, religious, 205 , 207 , 347 , 394 ,fig. 53

Immaculate Conception, 124 , 278 – 79
immersion, baptism by, 309 , 329
Imola, 37 , 165 , 173
imprisoning of public penitents, 303 – 4
death and funeral use, 393 , 407
liturgical use, 250 , 252 – 53 , 328
public penitents, use by, 304
incest, 144
incubation (sleeping at shrines), 211 – 13
for confraternities, 91 – 92
for feasts, 112 , 306
for lay penitents, 78 – 88
in prayer books, 360 , 362 – 63 , 365
relics and, 206 , 208
for repression of heresy, 424
infamia, 300
infants, 145 , 310 .See alsochildren
Innocent III, pope
canonization of St. Omobono, 191
on communion, 297
Humiliati and, 75 – 76 , 416
lay penitents and, 70
on priests’ responsibilities, 335
repression of heresy, 198
Innocent IV, pope
lay penitents and, 79 – 81 , 95
mendicants and, 259 , 420
on preaching, 336
reception at Bologna, 157
repression of heresy, 140 , 424
of Apostolici, 420
attack on at Parma, 105
Bolognese, 433 – 56
communes’ role in, 134 , 424 – 25
criticism of religious art and, 122
lay hostility toward, 430 – 56
lay saints and, 431 – 33
Italian.Seevernacular, religious use of

Jacobus of Voragine.SeeGiacomo of Varazze
Jacques de Vitry, bp. of Genoa
on catechesis, 338
on Dominicans, 420
on frequency of communion, 267
on Humiliati, 239
on Poor Clares, 98
Jacques Fornier (Benedict XII), bp. of Palmiers,
jails, 95
James the Greater, St., 114
Jean de La Roche, 262
Jean Rigaud, 290
Jericho, 152 , 154
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