Acknowledgements xi
research fellow as I put the fi nal edits to bed. All of these
debts notwithstanding, unless I indicate otherwise the views
in this book are my own, as are the errors of fact and omis-
sion. Ben Wilson helped with editing of the fi rst draft, and
the production team at Polity expertly saw this book into
press. Thanks go particularly to Jonathan Skerrett, Lauren
Mulholland and Leigh Mueller. My family – Ruth, Katie,
Chelsea and Amelia – have offered the right blend of encour-
agement and distraction. Ruth, especially, has once more
given me her unfl inching support, for which I remain infi -
nitely grateful. Our daughter Amelia was not yet born when
I committed to this title. For better or worse it has been in
the background of her fi rst two years, and it seems only right
that I dedicate it to her.