What is Architectural History

(やまだぃちぅ) #1

160 Further reading

Lienert, Matthias. Cornelius Gurlitt (1850 bis 1938): Sechs
Jahrzehnte Zeit- und Familiengeschichte in Briefen. Dresden:
Thelem, 2008.
Lin Zhu. Jianzshushi Liang Sicheng [Architect Liang Sicheng].
Tianjin: Tianjin kexue jishu chubanshe, 1997.
——— Koukai Lu Ban de damen: Zhongguo yingzao xueshe shilü
[Opening the Gate of Lu Ban: A Brief History of the Society for
Research in Chinese Architecture]. Beijing: Zhongguo jainzhu
gongye chubanshe, 1995.
Luca, Monica (ed.). La critica operativa e l’architettura. Milan:
Edizioni Unicopli, 2002.
Macarthur, John. ‘Some Thoughts on the Canon and Exemplifi ca-
tion in Architecture.’ Form/Work: An Interdisciplinary Journal
of Design and the Built Environment 5 (2000): 33–45.
MacDougall, Elisabeth Blair (ed.). The Architectural Historian in
America: A Symposium in Celebration of the Fiftieth Anniversary
of the Founding of the Society of Architectural Historians, Studies
in the History of Art 35, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual
Arts Symposium Papers 19. Washington, DC: National Gallery
of Art; Hanover, NH, and London: University Press of New
England, 1990.
McKean, John. ‘Sir Banister Fletcher: Pillar to Post-Colonial
Readings’. Journal of Architecture 11, no. 2 (2006): 167–204.
Michel, André. ‘L’enseignement de Louis Courajod’. Leçons profes-
sées à l’École du Louvre (1887–1896), vol. III, Origines de l’art
moderne, ed. Henry Lemonnier & André Michel, v–xvii. Paris:
Alphonse Picard et Fils.
Midant, Jean-Paul. Au Moyen Age avec Viollet-le-Duc. Paris:
Parangon, 2001.
Millon, Henry A. ‘History of Architecture: How Useful?’ AIA
Journal 34, no. 6 (December 1960): 23–5.
Nalbantog ̆lu, Gülsüm. ‘Towards Postcolonial Openings: Re-
reading Sir Banister Fletcher’s History of Architecture’. Assem-
blage 35 (1998): 6–17.
Otero-Pailos, Jorge. ‘Photo[historio]graphy: Christian Norberg-
Schulz’s Demotion of Textual History’. JSAH 66, no. 2 (June
2007): 220–41.
Pächt, Otto. Methodisches zur kunsthistorischen Praxis, ed.
Jorg Oberhaidacher, Arthur Rosenauer & Gertraut Schikola.
Munich: Prestel, 1977. Engl. edn, The Practice of Art History:
Refl ections on Method, trans. David Britt. London: Harvey
Miller, 1999.
Patetta, Luciano (ed.). Storia dell’architettura. Antologia critica.
Milan: Etas, 1975.

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