74 What is Architectural History?
Douglas Coupland’s Microserfs (1995) as evidence of a mid-
1990s fascination with this techno-cultural theme.^64 Impor-
tantly, though, Mitchell demonstrated the conceptual and
historical availability of architecture and its lessons for prob-
lems beyond architecture.
Other examples illustrate how architecture and the tools
of its historians offer new takes on existing themes. Dietrich
Neumann’s book Film Architecture (1999) explores the
cross-pollination of the two terms of his title over the lifespan
of modern fi lm. Steven Jacobs pushes this theme further in
his study The Wrong House: The Architecture of Alfred
Hitchcock (2007), where modern architecture and the Hitch-
cock fi lmography together consider the themes of psychology
and space along historical and critical lines, and within the
history of techniques of cinematic production.
A number of anthologies have, similarly explored ques-
tions of gender in architectural history: Sexuality and Space,
The Sex of Architecture and Stud, to name some 1990s
11 Jeffries apartment and courtyard, West 10th St, Greenwich
Village, New York, depicted in Rear Window, directed by Alfred
Hitchcock (1954). Production photograph.