501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

allay(a ̆·lay) v.1. to reduce the intensity of; alleviate. 2. to calm, put to rest.
The CEO’s remarks did not allay the concerns of the employees.

belie(bi·l ̄) v.1. to give a false impression; misrepresent. 2. to show to be
false, to contradict. By wearing an expensive suit and watch, Alan hoped to belie
his lack of success to everyone at the reunion.

buoyant(boi·a ̆nt) adj.1. able to float. 2. lighthearted, cheerful. In science
class, the children tried to identify which objects on the table would be buoyant.

credulous(krej·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj.gullible, too willing to believe things. Elle’s cred-
ulous teacher believed her when she told him that the dog ate her homework.

disabuse(dis·a ̆·byooz) v.to undeceive, to correct a false impression or
erroneous belief. Natalie needed to disabuse Chin of his belief that she was in love
with him.

disconsolate(dis·kon·so ̆·lit) adj.1. sad, dejected, disappointed. 2. incon-
solable, hopelessly unhappy. The disconsolate look on Peter’s face revealed that
the letter contained bad news.

disingenuous(dis·in·jen·yoo·u ̆s) adj.1. insincere, calculating; not straight-
forward or frank. 2. falsely pretending to be unaware. Carl’s disingenuous
comments were not taken seriously by anyone in the room.

exacerbate(i·zas·e ̆r·bayt) v.to make worse; to increase the severity, vio-
lence, or bitterness of. We should have known that splashing salt water on Dan’s
wound would exacerbate his pain.

incredulous(in·krej·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj.skeptical, unwilling to believe. The members
of the jury were incredulous when they heard the defendant’s far-fetched explana-
tion of the crime. Note: Do not confuse with incredible, meaning “implausible
or beyond belief.”

ingenuous(in·jen·yoo·u ̆s) adj.1. not cunning or deceitful; unable to mask
feelings; artless, frank, sincere. 2. lacking sophistication or worldliness.
Donald’s expression of regret was ingenuous, for even though he didn’t know her
well, he felt a deep sadness when Mary died. Note:Do not confuse with ingen-
ious, meaning “remarkably clever.”

intrepid(in·trep·id) adj.fearless, brave, undaunted. The intrepid nature and
fortitude of the U.S. Marines is legendary.

jocund(jok·u ̆nd) adj.merry, cheerful; sprightly and lighthearted. Alex’s joc-
und nature makes it a pleasure to be near her.

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