501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

For numbers 221–230, you will find two antonyms paired together at
the beginning of each analogy. Choose the set of antonyms that best
defines the two vocabulary words and completes the analogy. Circle
the letter of the correct answer. (If you do not own this book, please
write your answers on a separate piece of paper.)

  1. zenith : nadir ::
    a. future : past
    b.inside : outside
    c. wisdom : ignorance
    d.top : bottom

  2. disingenuous : ingenuous ::
    a. smart : stupid
    b.deceptive : sincere
    c. banal : avant-garde
    d.effusive : reserved

  3. credulous : incredulous ::
    a. real : fake
    b.moral : immoral
    c. gullible : skeptical
    d.plain : exceptional

  4. intrepid : timorous ::
    a. large : small
    b.coastal : landlocked
    c. brave : timid
    d.strong : weak

  5. disconsolate : buoyant ::
    a. miserable : happy
    b.unconnected : connected
    c. difficult : easy
    d.broken : repaired
    226. disabuse : belie ::
    a. aid : attack
    b.immoral : moral
    c. undeceive : deceive
    d.remove : attach
    227. veritable : spurious ::
    a. authentic : fake
    b.assembled : scattered
    c. well-known : obscure
    d.meaningful : meaningless
    228. allay : exacerbate ::
    a. near : far
    b.right : wrong
    c. even : askew
    d.calm : agitate
    229. jocund : lugubrious ::
    a. ignorant : wise
    b.shy : outgoing
    c. sober : drunk
    d.joyous : miserable
    230. laconic : verbose ::
    a. slow : fast
    b.concise : long-winded
    c. healthy : ill
    d.discordant : harmonious

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