501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

avant-garde(a·vahnt·ahrd) adj.using or favoring an ultramodern or
experimental style; innovative, cutting-edge, especially in the arts or liter-
ature. Though it seems conventional now, in the 1950s, Andy Warhol’s art was
viewed as avant-garde.

cogent(koh·je ̆nt) adj.convincing, persuasive; compelling belief. Ella’s
cogent arguments helped the debate team win the state championship.

conciliatory(ko ̆n·sil·i·a ̆·tohr·ee) adj.making or willing to make conces-
sions to reconcile, soothe, or comfort; mollifying, appeasing. Abraham Lin-
coln made conciliatory gestures toward the South at the end of the Civil War.

derivative(di·riv·a ̆·tiv) adj.derived from another source; unoriginal. The
word “atomic” is a derivative of the word “atom.”

desultory(des·u ̆l·tohr·ee) adj.aimless, haphazard; moving from one sub-
ject to another without logical connection. The family became concerned lis-
tening to their grandmother’s desultory ramblings.

dogmatic(daw·mat·ik) adj.1. asserting something in a positive, absolute,
arrogant way. 2. of or relating to dogma. The professor’s dogmatic style of con-
versation was not very popular with his young students.

edifying(ed· ̆·f ̄·in) adj.enlightening or uplifting with the aim of improv-
ing intellectual or moral development; instructing, improving. His edifying
sermon challenged the congregation to devote more time to charitable causes.

efficacious(ef· ̆·kay·shu ̆s) adj.acting effectively, producing the desired
effect or result. Margaret’s efficacious approach to her job in the collections depart-
ment made her a favorite with the CFO.

incendiary(in·sen·di·er·ee) adj.1. causing or capable of causing fire; burn-
ing readily. 2. of or involving arson. 3. tending to incite or inflame; inflam-
matory. Fire marshals checked for incendiary devices in the theater after they
received an anonymous warning.

inscrutable(in·scroo·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj.baffling, unfathomable; incapable of being
understood. It was completely inscrutable how the escape artist got out of the

involute(in·vo ̆·loot) adj.intricate, complex. The tax reform committee faces
an extremely involute problem if it wants to distribute the tax burden equally.

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