501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

lucid(loo·sid) adj.1. very clear, easy to understand; intelligible 2. sane or
rational. Andrea presented a very lucid argument that proved her point beyond a
shadow of a doubt.

pedantic(pi·da ̆n·tik) adj.marked by a narrow, tiresome focus on or display
of learning, especially of rules or trivial matters. Her lessons were so pedantic
that I found I was easily bored.

pellucid(pe ̆·loo·sid) adj.1. translucent, able to be seen through with clar-
ity. 2. (e.g., of writing) very clear, easy to understand. Senator Waterson’s pel-
lucid argument made me change my vote.

poignant(poin·ya ̆nt) adj.1. arousing emotion; deeply moving, touching. 2.
keenly distressing; piercing or incisive. They captured the poignant reunion on

polemical(po ̆·lem·ik·a ̆l) adj.controversial, argumentative. The analyst pre-
sented a highly polemical view of the economic situation.

prosaic(proh·zay·ik) adj.unimaginative, ordinary; dull. The prosaic novel
was rejected by the publisher.

specious(spee·shu ̆s) adj.1. seemingly plausible but false. 2. deceptively
pleasing in appearance. Vinnie did not fool me with his specious argument.

tangible(tan·j ̆·be ̆l) adj.able to be perceived by touch; palpable; real or
concrete. There is no tangible evidence of misconduct; it’s all hearsay.

vacuous(vak·yoo·u ̆s) adj.empty, purposeless; senseless, stupid, or inane.
This TV show is yet another vacuous sitcom.

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