501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

evince(i·vins) v.to show or demonstrate clearly; to make evident. The alge-
bra teacher tried to evince the complexity of the material to be covered on the

extenuate(iks·ten·yoo·ayt) v.to reduce the strength or lessen the seri-
ousness of; to try to partially excuse. Fred claimed that extenuating circum-
stances forced him to commit forgery.

forswear(for·swair) v.1. to give up, renounce. 2. to deny under oath.
Natasha had to forswear her allegiance to her homeland in order to become a cit-
izen of the new country.

impute(im·pyoot) v.to attribute to a cause or source, ascribe; credit. Doc-
tors impute the reduction in cancer deaths to the nationwide decrease in cigarette

obfuscate(ob·fus·kayt) v.1. to make obscure or unclear; to muddle or
make difficult to understand. 2. to dim or darken. Instead of clarifying the
matter, Walter only obfuscated it further.

rescind(ri·sind) v.to repeal or cancel; to void or annul. They have rescinded
their offer, so we must find another buyer.

stymie(st ̄·mee) v.to hinder, obstruct, or thwart; to prevent the accom-
plishment of something. The negotiations were stymied by yet another attack.

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