501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. b.To abstainmeans to choose to refrain from doing something.

  2. c. To rescindmeans to repeal or cancel; to void or annul.

  3. a. To forswearmeans to stop, give up, or renounce. It can also
    mean to deny under oath.

  4. c. To appeasemeans to make calm or quiet; to soothe, still, or

  5. b.To delineatemeans to draw or outline; to portray or describe.

  6. a. To demurmeans to raise an objection.

  7. c. To disconcertmeans to upset the composure of; to frustrate plans
    by throwing into disorder.

  8. a. To dissuademeans to discourage from or persuade against a
    course of action.

  9. d.To stymiemeans to hinder, obstruct, or thwart; to prevent the
    accomplishment of something.

  10. b.To assaymeans to test or try; to examine; or to judge critically.

  11. c. To amelioratemeans to make or become better; to improve.

  12. c. To dissemblemeans to disguise or conceal one’s true feelings or
    motives behind a false appearance.

  13. a. To imputemeans to attribute to a cause or source; to ascribe or

  14. b.To evincemeans to show or demonstrate clearly; to make

  15. d.To extenuatemeans to reduce the strength or lessen the
    seriousness of; to try to partially excuse.

  16. b.To apprisemeans to inform; to give notice to.

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