501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

antipathy(an·tip·a ̆·thee) n.1. a strong aversion or dislike. 2. an object of
aversion. The seven year old had a great antipathy toward green vegetables.

apropos(ap·ro ̆·poh) adj.appropriate to the situation; suitable to what is
being said or done. The chairman’s remarks referring to the founding fathers
were apropos, since it was the Fourth of July.

assuage(a ̆·swayj) v.to make something less severe, to soothe; to satisfy (as
hunger or thirst). The small cups of water offered to the marathon runners helped
to assuage their thirst.

attenuate(a ̆·ten·yoo·ayt) v.1. to make thin or slender. 2. to weaken; to
reduce in force, value, or degree. The Russian army was able to attenuate the
strength and number of the German forces by leading them inland during winter.

auspicious(aw·spish·u ̆s) adj.favorable, showing signs of promise success;
propitious. Valerie believed it an auspicious beginning when it rained on the day
that she opened her umbrella store.

aversion(a ̆·vur·zho ̆n) n.1. a strong, intense dislike; repugnance. 2. the
object of this feeling. Todd has an aversion to arugula and picks it out of his

belligerent(bi·lij·e ̆r·e ̆nt) adj.hostile and aggressive, showing an eagerness
to fight. Mrs. Rivera always kept an eye on Daniel during recess because his bel-
ligerent attitude often caused problems with other children.

enervate(en·e ̆r·vayt) v.to weaken; deprive of strength or vitality; to make
feeble or impotent. Stephanie’s cutting remarks managed to enervate Hasaan.

equanimity(ee·kwa ̆·nim·i·tee) n.calmness of temperament, even-tem-
peredness; patience and composure, especially under stressful circum-
stances. The hostage negotiator’s equanimity during the standoff was remarkable.

eradicate(i·rad· ̆·kayt) v.to root out and utterly destroy; to annihilate,
exterminate. The exterminator said he would eradicate the vermin from the

expunge(ik·spunj) v.to wipe or rub out, delete; to eliminate completely,
annihilate. After finishing probation, juveniles can petition the courts to expunge
their criminal records.

felicitous(fi·lis·i·tu ̆s) adj.1. apt, suitably expressed; apropos. 2. marked by
good fortune. The felicitous turn of events during her promotional tour propelled
Susan’s book to the best-seller list.

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