501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

garish(air·ish) adj.excessively bright or overdecorated; gaudy; tastelessly
showy. Though Susan thought Las Vegas was garish, Emily thought it was per-
fectly beautiful.

mollify(mol· ̆·f ̄) v.1. to soothe the anger of, to calm. 2. to lessen in inten-
sity. 3. to soften, make less rigid. The crying child was quickly mollified by her

ostracize(os·tra ̆·s ̄z) v.to reject, cast out from a group or from society.
Kendall was ostracized after he repeatedly stole from his friends.

pariah(pa ̆·r ̄·a ̆) n.an outcast; a rejected and despised person. After he told
a sexist joke, Jason was treated like a pariah by all of the women in the office.

propitious(proh·pish·u ̆s) adj.auspicious, presenting favorable circum-
stances. These are propitious omens indeed and foretell a good journey.

pugnacious (pu·nay·shu ̆s) adj.contentious, quarrelsome; eager to fight,
belligerent. Don’t be so pugnacious—I don’t want to fight.

sangfroid(sahn·frwah) n.composure, especially in dangerous or difficult
circumstances. I wish I had Jane’s sangfroid when I find myself in a confronta-
tional situation.

tawdry(taw·dree) adj.gaudy or showy but without any real value; flashy
and tasteless. I’ve never seen such a tawdry outfit as the three-tiered taffeta prom
gown that the singer wore to the awards ceremony!

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