501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


The following words are word pairs:

antipathy, aversion
apropos, felicitous
assuage, mollify
attenuate, enervate
belligerent, pugnacious
equanimity, sangfroid
eradicate, expunge
garish, tawdry
ostracize, pariah
propitious, auspicious


  1. Sangfroidmeans composure, especially in dangerous or difficult
    circumstances; equanimity.

  2. To attenuatemeans to weaken; to reduce in force, value, or degree;
    enervate. It also means to make thin or slender.

  3. Antipathyis a strong aversionor dislike.

  4. Aproposmeans appropriate to the situation, suitable to what is
    being said or done; felicitous.

  5. Belligerentmeans hostile and aggressive, showing an eagerness to
    fight; pugnacious.

  6. Pugnaciousmeans contentious, quarrelsome, eager to fight;

  7. A pariah(noun) is an outcast, a rejected, and despised person;
    someone who has been ostracized(verb).

  8. To mollifyis to soothe the anger of, calm, assuage; to lessen in
    intensity; or to soften, make less rigid.

  9. To eradicatemeans to root out and utterly destroy, to annihilate; to

  10. To ostracize(verb) is to reject, to cast out from a group or from
    society; someone who has been ostracized is a pariah(noun).

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