501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. An aversionis a strong, intense dislike; repugnance, antipathy.

  2. To enervateis to weaken, to deprive of strength or vitality, to
    attenuate; to make feeble or impotent.

  3. Felicitousmeans apt, suitably expressed; apropos. It also means
    marked by good fortune.

  4. Auspiciousmeans favorable; showing signs that promise success,

  5. Propitiousmeans auspicious, presenting favorable circumstances.

  6. Garishmeans excessively bright or over-decorated, gaudy;
    tastelessly showy, tawdry.

  7. Equanimitymeans calmness of temperament, even-temperedness;
    patience and composure, especially under stressful circumstances;

  8. To expungeis to wipe or rub out, delete; to eliminate completely,
    annihilate, eradicate.

  9. To assuageis to make something less severe, to soothe, mollify; to

  10. Tawdrymeans gaudy or showy but without any real value; flashy
    and tasteless, garish.

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