501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

adamant(ad·a ̆·ma ̆nt) adj.1. unyielding to requests, appeals, or reason. 2.
firm, inflexible. The senator was adamant that no changes would be made to the
defense budget.

apathetic(ap·a ̆·thet·ik) adj.feeling or showing a lack of interest, concern,
or emotion; indifferent, unresponsive. Mrs. Brownstone was distressed by how
apathetic her eighth grade students were about world history.

ascetic(a ̆·set·ik) adj.practicing self-denial, not allowing oneself pleasures
or luxuries; austere. Some religions require their leaders to lead an ascetic lifestyle
as an example to their followers.

audacious(aw·day·shu ̆s) adj.fearlessly or recklessly daring or bold; unre-
strained by convention or propriety. Detective Malloy’s methods were consid-
ered bold and audacious by his superiors, and they often achieved results.

complaisant(ko ̆m·play·sa ̆nt) adj.tending to comply; obliging, willing to do
what pleases others. To preserve family peace and harmony, Lenny became very
complaisant when his in-laws came to visit.

ebullient(i·bul·ye ̆nt) adj.bubbling over with enthusiasm, exuberant. The
ebullient children were waiting to stick their hands into the grab bag and pull out
a toy.

facetious(fa ̆·see·shu ̆s) adj.humorous and witty, cleverly amusing; jocular,
sportive. Mr. Weston’s facetious remarks always made people laugh.

flippant(flip·a ̆nt) adj.not showing proper seriousness; disrespectful, saucy.
Ursula’s flippant remarks in front of her fiancé’s parents were an embarrassment
to us all.

impassive(im·pas·iv) adj.not showing or feeling emotion or pain. It was
hard to know what she was feeling by looking at the impassive expression on her

imperious(im·peer·i·u ̆s) adj.overbearing, bossy, domineering. Stella was
relieved with her new job transfer because she would no longer be under the con-
trol of such an imperious boss.

impetuous(im·pech·oo·u ̆s) adj.1. characterized by sudden, forceful energy
or emotion; impulsive, unduly hasty and without thought. 2. marked by vio-
lent force. It was an impetuous decision to run off to Las Vegas and get married
after a one-week courtship.

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