501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

insouciant(in·soo·si·a ̆nt) adj.unconcerned, carefree, indifferent. Wendy’s
insouciant attitude toward her future concerned her father, who expected her to go
to college.

mettlesome(met·e ̆l·so ̆m) adj.courageous, high-spirited. Alice’s mettlesome
attitude was infectious and inspired us all to press on. Note:Do not confuse with
meddlesome, meaning inclined to interfere.

morose(mo·rohs) adj.gloomy, sullen; melancholy. My daughter has been
morose ever since our dog ran away.

nonchalant(non·sha ̆·lant) adj.indifferent or cool, not showing anxiety or
excitement. Franco tried to be nonchalant, but I could tell he was nervous.

officious(o ̆·fish·u ̆s) adj.meddlesome, bossy; eagerly offering unnecessary
or unwanted advice. My officious Aunt Midge is coming to the party, so be pre-
pared for lots of questions and advice.

peremptory(pe ̆·remp·to ̆·ree) adj. 1. offensively self-assured, dictatorial. 2.
commanding, imperative, not allowing contradiction or refusal. 3. putting
an end to debate or action. The mother’s peremptory tone ended the children’s

querulous(kwer·u ̆·lu ̆s) adj.complaining, peevish; discontented. He’s a picky
and querulous old man, but I still love him.

sanctimonious(sank·t ̆·moh·nee·u ̆s) adj.hypocritically pious or devout;
excessively self-righteous. The thief ’s sanctimonious remark that “a fool and his
money are soon parted” only made the jury more eager to convict him.

vitriolic(vit·ri·ol·ik) adj.savagely hostile or bitter; caustic. Her vitriolic
attack on her opponent was so hostile that it may cost her the election.

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