501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. Having already won two awards, the movie director coolly and
    calmly walked up to the podium to collect his third award of the
    evening. The director’s manner is very ____.

  2. Chang has been sulking in her room after learning she wasn’t
    accepted by the college of her choice. She is even saying that she
    may not go to college at all. Chang is feeling ____.

  3. Tom shocked the jurors when he stuck his tongue out at the judge
    during the court proceedings. Tom is being ____ toward the

  4. Reynaldo was a popular guest at dinner parties because of his
    ability to turn a phrase and to make funny, witty remarks.
    Reynaldo is very ____.

  5. Though she was only an office assistant, Adele marched boldly into
    the vice president’s office and calmly told him she would someday
    be his boss. Adele is being ____.

  6. The teenage girls were jumping up and down in the aisles as their
    favorite band took the stage. The girls are acting in a(n) ____

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