501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

anarchy(an·a ̆r·kee) n.1. the complete absence of government or control
resulting in lawlessness. 2. political disorder and confusion. The days imme-
diately following the revolution were marked by anarchy.

authoritarian(a ̆·thor·i·tair·i·a ̆n) adj.favoring complete, unquestioning
obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom. The military main-
tains an authoritarian environment for its officers and soldiers alike.

demagogue(dem·a ̆·aw) n.a leader who obtains power by appealing to
people’s feelings and prejudices rather than by reasoning. Hitler was the most
infamous demagogue of the twentieth century.

disenfranchise(dis·en·fran·ch ̄z) v.to deprive of the rights of citizenship,
especially the right to vote. The independent monitors were at polling locations
to ensure neither party tried to disenfranchise incoming voters.

egalitarian(i·al·i·tair·i·a ̆n) adj.characterized by or affirming the princi-
ple of equal political, social, civil, and economic rights for all persons. Han-
nah was moved by the candidate’s egalitarian speech.

enclave(en·klayv) n.a distinct territory lying wholly within the boundaries
of another, larger territory. The country of Lesotho is an enclave of South Africa.

hegemony(hi·jem·o ̆·nee) n.predominant influence or leadership, espe-
cially of one government over others. A military takeover in the impoverished
country secured the hegemony of the Centrist Party in its bid for power.

imperialism(im·peer·i·a ̆·liz·e ̆m) n.the policy of extending the rule or
authority of a nation or empire by acquiring other territories or depend-
encies. Great Britain embraced imperialism, acquiring so many territories that
the sun never set on the British Empire.

laissez-faire(les·ay·fair) adj.hands-off policy; noninterference by the gov-
ernment in business and economic affairs. I believe a more laissez-faire
approach by management would make everyone more cooperative and productive.

nullify(nul· ̆·f ̄) v.1. to make null (without legal force), invalidate. 2. to
counteract or neutralize the effect of. The opponents wanted to nullify the bill
before it became a law.

oligarchy(ol· ̆·ahr·kee) n.form of government in which the power is in
the hands of a select few. The small governing body calls itself a democracy, but
it is clearly an oligarchy.

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