501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

partisan(pahr·ti·za ̆n) n.1. a person fervently and often uncritically sup-
porting a group or cause. 2. a guerilla, a member of an organized body of
fighters who attack or harass an enemy. The partisan lobby could not see the
logic of the opposing senator’s argument and did not understand how the proposed
legislation would infringe upon basic constitutional rights.

precept(pree·sept) n.a rule establishing standards of conduct. The head-
master reviewed the precepts of the school with the students.

proscribe(proh·skr ̄b) v.1. to prohibit, forbid; to banish or outlaw. 2. to
denounce or condemn. The king proscribed the worship of idols in his kingdom.

protocol(proh·to ̆·kawl) n.1. etiquette; ceremony or procedure with regard
to people’s rank or status. 2. a first copy of a treaty or document. Jackson was
fired for repeatedly refusing to follow protocol.

proxy(prok·see) n.1. a person or agent authorized to represent or act for
another. 2. a document authorizing this substitution. The president appointed
a proxy to handle business matters during his absence.

quid pro quo(kwid proh kwoh) n.a thing given in return for something;
an equal exchange or substitution. Let’s come up with a quid pro quo arrange-
ment that will create a win-win situation for both sides.

reactionary(ree·ak·sho ̆·ner·ee) n.a person who favors political conserva-
tivism; one who is opposed to progress or liberalism. It should be an inter-
esting marriage: he’s a reactionary and she’s as liberal as they come.

tendentious(ten·den·shu ̆s) adj.biased, not impartial, partisan; supporting
a particular cause or position. The tendentious proposal caused an uproar on the
Senate floor.

totalitarian(toh·tal·i·tair·i·a ̆n) adj.of a form of government in which those
in control neither recognize nor tolerate rival parties or loyalties; demand-
ing total submission of the individual to the needs of the state. The totali-
tarian regime fell quickly when the people revolted.

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