501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. a. An authoritariangovernment favors complete, unquestioning
    obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom.

  2. d.An oligarchyis a government in which the power is in the hands
    of a select few.

  3. b.A partisanis a person who fervently and often uncritically
    supports a group or cause.

  4. c. To be egalitarianis to affirm the principles of equal political,
    social, civil, and economic rights for all persons.

  5. a. A proxyis a person or agent authorized to represent or act for

  6. a. Hegemonyis when there is predominant influence or leadership,
    especially of one government over others.

  7. b.A demagogueis a leader who obtains power by appealing to
    people’s feelings and prejudices.

  8. c. An enclaveis a distinct territory lying wholly within the
    boundaries of another, larger territory.

  9. a. To be tendentiousis to be biased, not impartial; partisan.

  10. c. Imperialismrefers to the policy of extending the rule or
    authority of a nation or empire by acquiring other territories or

  11. b.A totalitariangovernment is one where those in control neither
    recognize nor tolerate rival parties or loyalties; they demand
    total submission of the individual to the needs of the state.

  12. a. Laissez-faireis the practice by a government of letting its
    country’s economic and business affairs function without
    government interference or oversight.

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