501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

For numbers 351–360, choose the word from the list below that best
completes the sentence. Each word is used only once. Write your
answer in the blank. (If you do not own this book, please write your
answers on a separate piece of paper.)

  1. No matter how many times I see Madame Butterfly, I always
    experience a(n) ____ because the opera is such a powerful and
    moving tragedy.

  2. The essay was graded using a specific ____ with categories
    that a writer needed to address.

  3. The young boy composed a(n) ____ for his recently departed
    grandmother that he planned to read at her memorial service.

  4. I am always impressed by Hudson’s ____; no matter what the
    situation, he always says the right thing.

  5. Waterford’s ____ in trying to take credit for Vanessa’s work
    eventually got him fired.

  6. Vanya, who once had the manners of a boor, now behaves with the
    utmost ____, thanks to etiquette lessons from his Aunt Sasha.

  7. Anuj angered everyone in the audience when he let out a great
    ____ during the violin solo.

  8. Ena’s voice was full of ____ when she talked about the delays,
    lost luggage, and overbooking during her last trip abroad.

  9. After Carter’s surgery, he had to go through the ____ of filling
    out a myriad of insurance forms.

  10. In the play, Rosalind causes a great ____ when she disguises
    herself as a man and another woman falls in love with her.


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