501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Read the following sentences carefully. Decide which word best
describes what is being said and circle the letter of the correct answer.
(If you do not own this book, please write your answers on a separate
piece of paper.)

  1. “Bundle up,” said Aunt Margaret. “I don’t want you getting sick
    and coming down with ammonia.”
    The underlined word is a(n)
    a. malapropism.
    c. oxymoron.

  2. Jack pleaded, “Can I go on the rollercoaster one more time, Mom?
    Please? I really, really want to. Pretty please? I’ll do extra chores
    this week. Please?”
    This little boy is
    a. gainsaying his mother.
    b.importuning his mother.
    c. disparaging his mother.
    d.censuring his mother.

  3. “You are hopeless! I cannot believe your files are in such disorder,”
    the irritable supervisor shouted.
    This remark is
    a. effusive.
    c. bombastic.

  4. “Come on, Mom! You’re not being fair! Why can’t I stay out until
    midnight just like my friends? I’m old enough,” stated Marissa
    This teenager is
    a. remonstrating her mother.
    b.importuning her mother.
    c. gainsaying her mother.
    d.being sententious.

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