501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

arcane(ahr·kayn) adj.mysterious, secret, beyond comprehension. A num-
ber of college students in the 1980s became involved in the arcane game known as
“Dungeons and Dragons.”

blatant(blay·tant) adj.completely obvious, not attempting to conceal
in any way. Samuel’s blatant disregard of the rules earned him a two-week

empirical(em·pir·i·kal) adj.based on observation or experience rather than
theory. Frank’s empirical data suggested that mice would climb over the walls of
the maze to get to the cheese rather than navigate the maze itself.

endemic(en·dem·ik) adj.1. prevalent in or characteristic of a specific area
or group of people. 2. native to a particular region. Kudzu, a hairy, purple-
flowered vine thought to be endemic to the southeastern United States, was actu-
ally imported from Japan.

exigent(ek·si·je ̆nt) adj.1. urgent, requiring immediate action or attention;
critical. 2. requiring much effort or precision, demanding. The late-night call
on Paul’s cell phone concerned matters of an exigent nature.

exorbitant(i·zor·bi·ta ̆nt) adj.greatly exceeding the bounds of what is nor-
mal or reasonable; inordinate and excessive. Three thousand dollars is an exor-
bitant amount of money to pay for a scarf.

expedient(ik·spee·di·e ̆nt) adj.1. appropriate for a purpose, a suitable
means to an end. 2. serving to promote one’s own interests rather than prin-
ciple. A quick divorce was an expedient end to the couple’s two-month marriage.

fulsome(fuul·so ̆m) adj.offensive due to excessiveness, especially excess
flattery or praise. Her new coworker’s fulsome attention bothered Kathryn.

harrowing(har·oh·in) adj.distressing, creating great stress or torment.
The turbulent flight proved to be a harrowing experience for Jane.

ineluctable(in·i·luk·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj.certain, inevitable; not to be avoided or
overcome. The ineluctable outcome of the two-person race was that there would
be one winner and one loser.

inveterate(in·vet·e ̆·rit) adj.habitual; deep rooted, firmly established. I am
an inveterate pacifist and unlikely to change my mind.

multifarious(mul·ti·fair·i·u ̆s) adj.occuring in great variety, diversified;
having many aspects. The job requires the ability to handle multifarious tasks.

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