501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

pernicious(pe ̆r·nish·u ̆s) adj.deadly, harmful; very destructive. Nancy’s oppo-
nent started a pernicious rumor that destroyed her chances of winning.

plaintive(playn·tiv) adj.expressing sorrow; mournful, melancholy. Janice’s
plaintive voice made me decide to stay and comfort her longer.

resonant(rez·o ̆·na ̆nt) adj.echoing, resounding. The new announcer at the
stadium has a wonderfully resonant voice.

stringent(strin·je ̆nt) adj.very strict; according to very rigorous rules,
requirements, or standards. The stringent eligibility requirements greatly lim-
ited the number of candidates for the scholarship.

subliminal(sub·lim· ̆·na ̆l) adj.below the threshold of consciousness. Sub-
liminal advertising is devious but effective.

sundry(sun·dree) adj.various, miscellaneous. The sundry items in her back-
pack reveal a great deal about her personality.

trenchant(tren·cha ̆nt) adj.1. penetrating, forceful; effective. 2. extremely
perceptive, incisive. 3. clear-cut, sharply defined. It was a trenchant argument,
and it forced me to change my mind about the issue.

tumultuous(too·mul·choo·u ̆s) adj.1. creating an uproar; disorderly, noisy.

  1. a state of confusion, turbulence, or agitation; tumult. It was another tumul-
    tuous day for the stock market, and fluctuating prices wreaked havoc for investors.

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