501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. A subliminalmessage
    a. is easy to identify.
    b. originates from another country.
    c. is received at the subconscious level.
    d. is written in secret code.

  2. A resonantsound
    a. echoes through a space.
    b. is harsh and piercing.
    c. is soft and delicate.
    d. cannot be heard by humans.

  3. An expedientresolution is
    a. slow and cumbersome.
    b. inappropriate for the situation.
    c. quick and fast-acting.
    d. appropriate for the situation.

  4. An exigentmedical condition would
    a. affect the extremities.
    b. be slow to develop.
    c. be commonplace and of little concern.
    d. require immediate attention.

  5. Stores that sell sundryitems
    a. sell items appropriate for long journeys in the sun.
    b. sell items expressly for farming and ranching.
    c. sell an array of miscellaneous items.
    d. sell only food-stuffs.

  6. If your boss believes you to be fulsome, you are probably
    a. offending your boss by offering him or her excessive praise.
    b. irritating your boss by being lazy and uncooperative.
    c. pleasing your boss by being an exemplary employee.
    d. inspiring your boss by being courageous and bold.

  7. A tumultuouscrowd at a sporting event would be
    a. very rowdy and disorderly.
    b. very respectful and honorable.
    c. very quiet and indifferent.
    d. very loyal and dedicated.

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