501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


The following words are word pairs:

abjure, repudiate
conundrum, enigma
equivocate, prevaricate
haughty, supercilious
indolent, shiftless
iota, scintilla
obstreperous, truculent
obtrusive, salient
pertinacious, tenacious
reticent, taciturn


  1. To abjuremeans to repudiate, renounce under oath; to give up,

  2. Obstreperousmeans noisily and stubbornly defiant; aggressively
    boisterous, unruly; truculent.

  3. Truculentmeans defiantly aggressive, obstreperous; fierce, violent;
    bitterly expressing opposition.

  4. An iotais a very small amount, a scintilla; the smallest possible

  5. Shiftlessmeans lazy and inefficient, indolent; lacking ambition,
    initiative, or purpose.

  6. Reticentmeans tending to keep one’s thoughts and feelings to
    oneself; reserved, untalkative, taciturn.

  7. Taciturnmeans habitually untalkative, reserved; reticent.


  1. Superciliousmeans haughty; scornful, disdainful.

  2. To repudiatemeans to disown; disavow, reject completely, abjure.

  3. To equivocatemeans to use unclear or ambiguous language in order
    to mislead or conceal the truth; prevaricate.

  4. Obtrusivemeans prominent, undesirably noticeable; projecting,
    thrusting out; salient. It also means tending to push one’s self or
    ideas upon others; intrusive.

  5. A conundrumis a hard riddle, an enigma; a puzzling question or

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