501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. Pertinaciousmeans extremely stubborn or persistent; holding firmly
    to a belief, purpose, or course of action; tenacious.

  2. Tenaciousmeans holding firmly to something such as a belief;
    stubbornly unyielding, pertinacious. It also means cohesive, sticking
    firmly, adhesive; of memory, retentive.

  3. Indolentmeans lazy; lethargic, inclined to avoid labor, shiftless. It
    also means causing little or no pain; slow to grow or heal.

  4. To prevaricatemeans to tell lies, to stray from or evade the truth; to

  5. A scintillais a trace or particle, minute amount; iota.

  6. Salientmeans conspicuous, prominent, highly noticeable, obtrusive;
    drawing attention through a striking quality; jutting out.

  7. Haughtymeans scornfully arrogant and condescending; acting as
    though one is superior; disdainful, supercilious.

  8. An enigmais something that is puzzling or difficult to understand;
    a perplexing, inexplicable thing; a baffling problem or difficult
    riddle; conundrum.

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