501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. If you are part of a cabal, you
    a. are involved in a secret plot.
    b.are participating in a protest.
    c. belong to the majority.
    d.are fighting against the enemy.

  2. If you are a bellicoseleader, you
    a. do everything in your power to avoid war.
    b.are eager to wage war.
    c. remain neutral during international conflicts.
    d.treat all citizens equally.

  3. If an apocalypseis near, you can expect
    a. a period of extended peace.
    b.a time of anarchy.
    c. total devastation and destruction.
    d.an invasion.

  4. If your country suffers an incursion, your territory
    a. has been invaded.
    b.is in a depression.
    c. has seceded to form a new state.
    d.has had a natural disaster.

  5. If you meet your nemesis,you meet
    a. the leader of your country.
    b.your guardian angel.
    c. the cause of your misfortunes.
    d.the person who decides your fate.

  6. If you pillagea village, you
    a. set it on fire.
    b.destroy it with bombs.
    c. negotiate peace between warring tribes.
    d.ransack it and steal as much as you can.

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