501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

acrid(ak·rid) adj.1. having an unpleasantly bitter, sharp taste or smell. 2.
bitter or caustic in language or manner. The burning tires in the junkyard gave
off an acrid odor.

antithesis(an·tith·e ̆·sis) n.the direct or exact opposite; opposition or con-
trast. Martin’s liberal parenting style is the antithesis of my conservative style.

austere(aw·steer) adj.1. severe or stern in attitude or appearance. 2. sim-
ple, unadorned, very plain. With its simple but functional furniture and its obvi-
ous lack of decorative elements, the interior of the Shaker meeting hall was
considered austere by many people.

debacle(di·bah·ke ̆l) n.1. a sudden disaster or collapse; a total defeat or fail-
ure. 2. a sudden breaking up or breaking loose; violent flood waters, often
caused by the breaking up of ice in a river. Putting the bridge’s supporting
beams in loose sand caused a total debacle when the sand shifted and the bridge fell

éclat(ay·klah) n.conspicuous success; great acclaim or applause; brilliant
performance or achievement. Even the ruinous deceit of the envious Salieri
could not impede the dazzling éclat of the young and gifted Mozart.

euphoria(yoo·fohr·i·a ̆) n.a feeling of well-being or high spirits. When
falling in love, it is not uncommon to experience feelings of euphoria.

frugal(froo·a ̆l) adj.1. careful and economical; sparing, thrifty. 2. costing
little. My grandparents survived the Great Depression by being very frugal.

impecunious(im·pe ̆·kyoo·ni·u ̆s) adj.having little or no money; poor, pen-
niless. Many impecunious immigrants in the United States eventually were able
to make comfortable lives for themselves.

intractable(in·trak·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj.unmanageable, unruly, stubborn. The young
colt was intractable, and training had to be cancelled temporarily.

malaise(ma ̆·layz) n.a feeling of illness or unease. After his malaise persisted
for more than a week, Nicholas went to see a doctor.

meretricious(mer·e ̆·trish·u ̆s) adj.gaudy, tawdry; showily attractive but
false or insincere. With its casinos and attractions, some people consider Las Vegas
the most meretricious city in the country.

opulent(op·yu ̆·le ̆nt) adj.1. possessing great wealth, affluent. 2. abundant,
luxurious. Lee is very wealthy, but he does not live an opulent lifestyle.

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