501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

paucity(paw·si·tee) n.scarcity; smallness of supply or quantity. The paucity
of food in the area drove the herd farther and farther to the south.

piquant(pee·ka ̆nt) adj.1. agreeably pungent; sharp or tart in taste. 2. pleas-
antly stimulating or provocative. The spicy shrimp salad is wonderfully piquant.

plethora(pleth·o ̆·ra ̆) n.an overabundance, extreme excess. There was a
plethora of food at the reception.

prodigal(prod· ̆·a ̆l) adj.1. recklessly wasteful or extravagant, especially
with money. 2. given in great abundance; lavish or profuse. The parable of the
prodigal son shows what can happen when money is wasted.

profligate(prof·l ̆·it) adj.1. recklessly wasteful or extravagant; prodigal.

  1. lacking moral restraint; dissolute. The profligate man quickly depleted his

propinquity(proh·pin·kwi·tee) n.1. proximity, nearness. 2. affinity, sim-
ilarity in nature. The two scientific elements demonstrate a remarkable propinquity.

provident(prov·i·de ̆nt) adj.wisely providing for future needs; frugal, eco-
nomical. Because my parents were so provident, I didn’t have to struggle to pay
for college.

tractable(trak·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj.easily managed or controlled; obedient, docile.
In the novel Brave New World,the world controllers use hypnosis and a “happi-
ness drug” to make everyone tractable.

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