501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. Lilliputianmeans very small, tiny; trivial or petty. The land was
    called Lilliput.

  2. Mercurialmeans liable to change moods suddenly; lively,
    changeable, volatile. The Greek god was Mercury.

  3. Narcissismis admiration or worship of oneself; excessive interest in
    one’s own personal features. The mythological character was

  4. Gargantuanmeans gigantic, huge. The gigantic character was

  5. A phoenixis a person or thing of unmatched beauty or excellence; a
    person or thing that has become renewed or restored after
    suffering calamity or apparent annihilation.

  6. Proteanmeans taking many forms; changeable, variable. The
    Greek god was Proteus.

  7. Quixoticmeans extravagantly chivalrous and unselfish; romantically
    idealistic, impractical. Cervantes’ hero was Don Quixote.

  8. Draconianmeans very harsh, extremely severe. The lawmaker was

  9. Omnipotentmeans having unlimited or universal power or force.

  10. An apostateis someone who abandons long-held religious or
    political beliefs.

  11. Omniscientmeans having infinite knowledge; knowing all things.

  12. Occultmeans secret, hidden; involving the realm of the
    supernatural; incomprehensible.

  13. Dogmais a system of principles or beliefs; a prescribed doctrine.

  14. Sacrilegiousmeans disrespectful or irreverent towards something
    regarded as sacred.

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