501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

baleful(bayl·fu ̆l) adj.harmful, menacing, destructive, sinister. Whether it’s
a man, woman, car, or animal, you can be certain to find at least one baleful char-
acter in a Stephen King horror novel.

demure(di·myoor) adj.modest and shy, or pretending to be so. When it was
to her advantage, Sharon could be very demure, but otherwise she was quite out-

eminent(em· ̆·ne ̆nt) adj.towering above or more prominent than others,
lofty; standing above others in quality, character, reputation, etc.; distin-
guished. The chairperson proudly announced that the keynote speaker at the ani-
mal rights convention would be the eminent primatologist Jane Goodall.

erratic(i·rat·ik) adj.1. moving or behaving in an irregular, uneven, or
inconsistent manner. 2. deviating from the normal or typical course of
action, opinion, etc. During an earthquake, a seismograph’s needle moves in an
erratic manner.

hapless(hap·lis) adj.unlucky, unfortunate. The hapless circumstances of her
journey resulted in lost luggage, missed connections, and a very late arrival.

ignominious(i·no ̆·min·i·u ̆s) adj.1. marked by shame or disgrace. 2.
deserving disgrace or shame; despicable. The evidence of plagiarism brought
an ignominious end to what had been a notable career for the talented young

implacable(im·plak·a ̆·be ̆l) adj.incapable of being placated or appeased;
inexorable. Some of the people who call the customer service desk for assistance are
implacable, but most are relatively easy to serve.

indefatigable(in·di·fat· ̆·a ̆·be ̆l) adj.not easily exhausted or fatigued; tire-
less. The indefatigability of the suffragette movement led to the passage of the
Twentieth Amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote.

indomitable(in·dom·i·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj.not able to be vanquished or overcome,
unconquerable; not easily discouraged or subdued. The indomitable spirit of
the Olympic athletes was inspirational.

inimitable(i·nim·i·ta ̆·be ̆l) adj.defying imitation, unmatchable. His per-
formance on the tennis court was inimitable, and he won three championships.

intransigent(in·tran·si·je ̆nt) adj. unwilling to compromise, stubborn.
Young children can be intransigent when it comes to what foods they will eat, insist-
ing on familiar favorites and rejecting anything new.

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