501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

obdurate(ob·du ̆·rit) adj.stubborn and inflexible; hardhearted, not easily
moved to pity. I doubt he will change his mind; he’s the most obdurate person I

pragmatic(pra·mat·ik) adj.practical, matter-of-fact; favoring utility. Since
we don’t have money or time to waste, I think we should take the most pragmatic

refractory(ri·frak·to ̆·ree) adj.stubborn, unmanageable; resisting control or
discipline. Elena is a counselor for refractory children in an alternative school

renowned (ri·nownd) adj. famous; widely known and esteemed. The
renowned historian, Stephen Ambrose, wrote many books that were popular both
with scholars and the general public.

scurvy(skur·vee) adj.contemptible, mean. That scurvy knave has ruined my
plans again.

sublime(su ̆·bl ̄m) adj.having noble or majestic qualities; inspiring awe,
adoration, or reverence; lofty, supreme. Beethoven’s music is simply sublime.

svelte(svelt) adj. slender and graceful, suave.The svelte actress glided around
the room in her elegant gown.

untoward(un·tohrd) adj.1. contrary to one’s best interest or welfare;
inconvenient, troublesome; adverse. 2. improper, unseemly, or perverse.
Jackson’s untoward remarks made Amelia very uncomfortable.

volatile(vol·a ̆·til) adj.1. varying widely; inconstant, changeable, or fickle.

  1. unstable, explosive, likely to change suddenly or violently. 3. (in chem-
    istry) evaporating readily. Dan’s volatile personality has been compared to that
    of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.

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