501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

schism(siz·e ̆m) n.a separation or division into factions because of a dif-
ference in belief or opinion. The schism between the two parties was forgotten
as they united around a common cause.

semantics(si·man·tiks) n.1. the study of meaning in language. 2. the
meaning, connotation, or interpretation of words, symbols, or other forms.

  1. the study of relationships between signs or symbols and their meanings.
    He claims it’s a matter of semantics, but the matter is not open to interpretation.

simian(sim·i·a ̆n) adj.of or like an ape or monkey. Creationists do not believe
that humans have simian ancestors.

sophistry(sof·i·stree) n.clever but faulty reasoning; a plausible but invalid
argument intended to deceive by appearing sound. I was amused by his
sophistry but knew he had a little more research to do before he presented his argu-
ment to the distinguished scholars in his field.

supplicant(sup·l ̆·ka ̆nt) n.a person who asks humbly for something; one
who beseeches or entreats. The supplicants begged for forgiveness.

temerity(te ̆·mer·i·tee) n.foolish disregard of danger; brashness, audacity.
This is no time for temerity; we must move cautiously to avoid any further damage.

tenet(ten·it) n.a belief, opinion, doctrine, or principle held to be true by
a person, group, or organization. This pamphlet describes the tenets of Amnesty

undulate(un·ju ̆·layt) v.to move in waves or in a wavelike fashion; fluctu-
ate. The curtains undulated in the breeze.

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