501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. b.Semanticsis the study of meaning in language; the study of
    relationships between signs and symbols and their meanings.

  2. c. Penultimatemeans next to last.

  3. d.Apexis the highest point; tip or pointed end.

  4. b.A bevyis a large group or assemblage. It also means a flock of
    animals or birds.

  5. c. The denouementis the resolution or clearing up of the plot at
    the end of a narrative.

  6. a. To engenderis to produce; to give rise to, bring into existence.

  7. b.A supplicantis someone who beseeches or entreats; someone
    who asks humbly for something.

  8. c. Simianis of, or like, an ape or monkey.

  9. d.Mendacityis the tendency to be dishonest or untruthful; a
    falsehood or lie.

  10. a. To undulateis to move in waves or in a wavelike fashion.

  11. b.To addlemeans to muddle or confuse. It also means to become
    rotten, as in an egg.

  12. d.Auspicemeans protection or support; patronage. It also means a
    forecast or omen.

  13. b.Approbationmeans approval.

  14. a. De factomeans in reality or fact; actual.

  15. c. Inuredmeans accustomed to; adapted.

  16. d.A schismis a separation or division into factions because of a
    difference in belief or opinion.

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