501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. b.A tenetis a belief, opinion, doctrine, or principle held to be true
    by a person, group, or organization.

  2. c. Temerityis the foolish disregard of danger; brashness, audacity.

  3. c. Elitemeans the best or most skilled members of a social group
    or class; a person or group regarded as superior.

  4. a. Sophistryis clever but faulty reasoning; a plausible but invalid
    argument intended to deceive by appearing sound.

  5. d.To obviateis to make unnecessary, to get rid of.

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dozens of new words to your vocabulary. Remember, the best way to keep

these words in your vocabulary is to use them. Start now! Review the vocab-

ulary list and these lessons periodically to refresh your memory.

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your own. Write down unfamiliar words that you come across throughout

the day. Look up the meanings and pronunciations and copy them down.

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memory. Once you collect a dozen or so words, create your own exercises

like those in this book. Use your new vocabulary words as often as possible

to keep them fresh in your memory.

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