501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


The following words are word pairs:
ambivalent, irresolute
ephemeral, transient
garrulous, loquacious
inchoate, nascent
irk, vex
mitigate, palliate
noisome, noxious
rapacious, voracious
sordid, squalid
stoical, stolid


  1. To vexmeans to annoy or irritate; irk.

  2. Stoicalmeans seemingly unaffected by pleasure or pain; indifferent
    or impassive. A stoical person, like a stolidperson, would not show

  3. Garrulousmeans talkative, chatty; loquacious.

  4. Rapaciousmeans excessively greedy and grasping, voracious.

  5. Irresolutemeans feeling or showing uncertainty; hesitant,
    indecisive, or ambivalent.

  6. Sordidmeans dirty, wretched, squalid; it can also mean morally

  7. Transientmeans lasting only a very short time; fleeting, transitory,
    brief; ephemeral.

  8. To palliatemeans to make something less intense or severe, to
    mitigateor alleviate; to put a positive spin on. It can also mean to
    provide relief from pain or from symptoms of a disease.

  9. Noisomemeans offensive, foul, especially in odor; harmful or

  10. To mitigateis to make less intense or severe; to moderate the force
    or intensity of something; alleviate, palliate.


  1. Noxiousmeans unpleasant and harmful; unwholesome, noisome.

  2. Loquaciousmeans talkative; garrulous.

  3. Ambivalentmeans having mixed or conflicting feelings about
    something; uncertain, irresolute.

  4. Squalidmeans filthy, wretched; morally repulsive, sordid.

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