501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Choose the answer that is the best response for each question below.
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piece of paper.

  1. Which of the following traits is mostdesirable in a roommate?
    a. bumptious
    c. pretentious

  2. Which of the following traits is leastdesirable in a roommate?
    a. diffident
    c. sanguine

  3. Which kind of person would most likely make the best waiter?
    a. someone who is blithe
    b.someone who is overweening
    c. someone who is perfidious
    d.someone who is punctilious

  4. Which kind of person would most likely make the best spy?
    a. someone who is capricious
    b.someone who is craven
    c. someone who is perfidious
    d.someone who is sagacious

  5. Which kind of person would most likely make the best judge?
    a. someone who is diffident
    b.someone who is sagacious
    c. someone who is sanguine
    d.someone who is saturnine

  6. Which kind of person would most likely make the best security
    a. someone who is bumptious
    b.someone who is circumspect
    c. someone who is gregarious
    d.someone who is perfidious

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