501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. Which kind of person would most likely be the best companion
    when you are feeling sad?
    a. someone who is bumptious
    b.someone who is irascible
    c. someone who is puerile
    d.someone who is sanguine

  2. Which character trait would you leastlike to see in a soldier?
    a. craven
    c. pretentious

  3. Which character trait would you leastlike to see in a judge?
    a. capricious
    c. personable

  4. Which character trait would you leastlike to see in a supervisor?
    a. blithe
    c. overweening

For the following questions, choose the person who would most likely
have the characteristic or attitude noted in italics.

  1. blithe
    a. a soldier in combat
    b.a young child in a playground
    c. the mother of a very sick child
    d.a surgeon during an operation

  2. petulant
    a. someone who throws a tantrum because his or her soup was not
    warm enough
    b.someone who is going on an important job interview
    c. someone who needs to earn a little extra money
    d.someone who doesn’t like being with other people

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