501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

bane(bayn) n.1. cause of trouble, misery, distress, or harm. 2. poison. The
bane of the oak tree is the Asian beetle.

blight(bl ̄t) n.1. a plant disease that causes the affected parts to wilt and die.

  1. something that causes this condition, such as air pollution. 3. something
    that impairs or destroys. 4. an unsightly object or area. They still do not know
    what caused the blight that destroyed half of the trees in the orchard.

broach(brohch) v.1. to bring up, introduce, in order to begin a discussion
of. 2. to tap or pierce, as in to draw off liquid. It was hard for Sarah to broach
the subject of her mother’s weight gain.

cadge(kaj) v.to beg, to obtain by begging. Their dog Cleo would cadge at my
feet, hoping I would throw him some table scraps.

caste(kast) n.a distinct social class or system. While visiting India, Michael
was fascinated to learn the particulars of each caste and the way they related to each

daunt(dawnt) v.to intimidate, to make afraid or discourage. Members of the
opposing team were trying to daunt the home team by yelling loudly and beating
their chests.

deign(dayn) v.to condescend; to unwillingly do something thought to be
beneath one’s dignity; to lower oneself. Salvatore deigned to accept money from
his father to pay his rent; he had been unemployed for two months.

dross(draws) n.1. waste product, sludge. 2. something worthless, com-
monplace, or trivial. Work crews immediately began the task of cleaning the dross
at the abandoned plastics factory.

eke(eek) v.to get or supplement with great effort or strain; to earn or
accomplish laboriously. Working two jobs enabled Quincy to eke out a living
wage for his family.

feign(fayn) v.to pretend; to give the false appearance of. Walter feigned ill-
ness to avoid attending the meeting.

flout(flowt) v.to disobey openly and scornfully; to reject, mock, go against
(as in a tradition or convention). Flappers in the early twentieth century would
flout convention by bobbing their hair and wearing short skirts.

guile( ̄l) n.treacherous cunning; shrewd, crafty deceit. The most infamous
pirates displayed tremendous guile.

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