501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

ire( ̄r) n.anger, wrath. I was filled with ire when Vladimir tried to take credit
for my work.

mete(meet) v.to distribute, allot, apportion. The punishments were meted out
fairly to everyone involved in the plot.

mirth(murth) n.great merriment, joyous laughter. The joyous wedding cele-
bration filled the reception hall with mirth throughout the evening.

moot(moot) adj.debatable, undecided. The students continued to discuss the
moot point, even after class was over.

pith(pith) n.1. the essential or central part; the heart or essence (of the mat-
ter, idea, experience, etc.). 2. (in biology) the soft, sponge-like central cylin-
der of the stems of most flowering plants. Her brief, but concise, statement went
right to the pith of the argument and covered the most important issues.

quail(kwayl) v.to draw back in fear; flinch, cower. Mona quailed as soon as
Otto, the class bully, entered the room.

roil(roil) v.1. to make a liquid cloudy or muddy. 2. to stir up or agitate. 3.
to anger or annoy. How could you even think such a thing roils me?

teem(teem) v.to be full of; to be present in large numbers. The city is teem-
ing with tourists this summer.

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