501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

inveigle(in·vay·e ̆l) v.to influence or persuade through gentle coaxing or
flattery; to entice. Vanessa inveigled her way into a promotion that should have
gone to Maxon.

petrify(pet·r ̆·f ̄) v.1. to make hard or stiff like a stone. 2. to stun or par-
alyze with fear, astonishment, or dread. I was petrified when I heard the door
open in the middle of the night.

pique(peek) v.to wound (someone’s) pride, to offend; to arouse or provoke.
The article really piqued my interest in wildlife preservation.

stultify(stul·t ̆·f ̄) v.1. to impair or make ineffective; to cripple. 2. to make
(someone) look foolish or incompetent. Of course I’m angry! You stultified me
at that meeting!

subvert(sub·vurt) v.1. to overthrow. 2. to ruin, destroy completely. 3. to
undermine. She quietly subverted his authority by sharing internal information
with outside agents.

truncate(trun·kayt) v.to shorten or terminate by (or as if by) cutting the
top or end off. The glitch in the software program truncated the lines of a very
important document I was typing.

upbraid(up·brayd) v.to reprove, reproach sharply, condemn; admonish.
The child was upbraided for misbehaving during the ceremony.

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