501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. To fetteris to shackle or put in chains. It can also mean to impede
    or restrict.

  2. To burgeonis to begin to grow and flourish; to begin to sprout,
    grow new buds, blossom.

  3. To interdictmeans to prohibit or forbid.

  4. To decimatesomething is to destroy a large portion of it.

  5. To careenis to lurch from side to side while in motion or to rush
    carelessly or headlong.

  6. To upbraidis to reprove or reproach sharply; to admonish or

  7. To petrifyin this context is to stun or paralyze with fear,
    astonishment, or dread. Petrifycan also mean to make hard or stiff
    like a stone.

  8. To fulminateis to issue a thunderous verbal attack, to berate. It can
    also mean to explode or detonate.

  9. To beguileis to deceive or cheat through cunning. It can also mean
    to distract the attention of or to pass time in a pleasant manner.

  10. To subvertmeans to overthrow, to ruin completely, or to

  11. To stultifyin this context means to make someone look foolish or
    incompetent. It can also mean to impair or make ineffective; to

  12. To inveiglemeans to influence or persuade through gentle coaxing
    or flattery; to entice.

  13. To bolstermeans to buoy or hearten. It can also mean to support or
    prop up.

  14. To burnishis to polish; to rub to a shine.

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