501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

Word List

abscond(ab·skond) v.to run away secretly and hide, often in order to avoid
arrest or prosecution. Criminals will often head south and abscond with stolen
goods to Mexico.

absolution(ab·so ̆·loo·sho ̆n) n.1. an absolving or clearing from blame or
guilt. 2. a formal declaration of forgiveness; redemption. The jury granted
Anna the absolution she deserved.

bilk(bilk) v.to deceive or defraud; to swindle or cheat, especially to evade
paying one’s debts. The stockbroker was led away in handcuffs, accused of trying
to bilk senior citizens out of their investment dollars.

castigate(kas·t ̆·ayt) v.to inflict a severe punishment on; to chastise
severely. When she was caught stealing for the second time, Maya knew her
mother would castigate her.

chastise(chas·t ̄z) v.to punish severely; to criticize harshly, rebuke. Charles
knew that his wife would chastise him after he inadvertently told the room full of
guests that she had just had a face-lift.

collusion(ko ̆·loo·zho ̆n) n.a secret agreement between two or more peo-
ple for a deceitful or fraudulent purpose; conspiracy. The discovery of the
e-mail proved that collusion existed between the CEO and CFO to defraud the

enormity(i·nor·mi·tee) n.1. excessive wickedness. 2. a monstrous offense
or evil act; atrocity. The enormity of Jeffrey Dahmer’s crimes will never be
Note:Enormity is often used to indicate something of great size (e.g., the
enormity of the task), but this is considered an incorrect use of the word.

exculpate(eks·kul·payt) v.to free from blame, to clear from a charge of
guilt. When Anthony admitted to committing the crime, it served to exculpate

malfeasance(ma ̆l·fee·za ̆ns) n.misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a
public official; improper professional conduct. The city comptroller was found
guilty of malfeasance and removed from office.

miscreant(mis·kree·a ̆nt) n.a villain, criminal; evil person. The miscreant
had eluded the police for months, but today he was finally captured.

peccadillo(pek·a ̆·dil·oh) n.a trivial offense; a small sin or fault. Don’t make
such a big deal out of a little peccadillo.

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