501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. To commit perjuryis to deliberately give false, misleading, or
    incomplete testimony while under oath.

  2. Collusionis a conspiracy; a secret agreement between two or more
    people for a fraudulent purpose.

  3. Malfeasanceis misconduct or wrongdoing, especially by a public

  4. A peccadillois a small sin or fault; a trivial offense.

  5. Recidivismmeans a relapse or backslide into criminal behavior after
    conviction and punishment.

  6. To abscondis to run away secretly and hide, usually in order to
    avoid arrest or prosecution.

  7. Venalmeans easily bribed or corrupted; unprincipled.

  8. To purloinmeans to steal.

  9. To bilkmeans to deceive or defraud; to swindle or cheat, especially
    to evade paying one’s debts.

  10. Enormitymeans excessive wickedness or a monstrous offense or
    evil act; an atrocity.

  11. A tribunalis a court of justice.

  12. To exculpatemeans to free from blame or clear from a charge of

  13. Reprehensiblemeans deserving rebuke or censure; deserving of
    strong criticism or disapproval.

  14. Absolutionis an absolving or clearing from blame or guilt; a formal
    declaration of forgiveness or redemption.

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