501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

maverick(mav·e ̆r·ik) n.rebel, nonconformist; one who acts independently.
Madonna has always been a maverick in the music industry.

obtuse(o ̆b·toos) adj.1. stupid and slow to understand. 2. blunt, not sharp
or pointed. Please don’t be so obtuse; you know what I mean.

philistine(fil·i·steen) n.a smug, ignorant person; someone who is uncul-
tured and commonplace. Richards thinks he is cosmopolitan, but he’s really just
a philistine.

poseur(poh·zur) n.someone who puts on airs to impress others; a phony.
My first impression of the arrogant newcomer was that he was a poseur; I just had
a hunch that he wasn’t what he seemed to be.

renegade(ren·e ̆·ayd) n.1. a deserter; one who rejects a cause, group, etc.

  1. a person who rebels and becomes an outlaw. The renegade soldier decided
    to join the guerilla fighters.

reprobate(rep·ro ̆·bayt) n.an immoral or unprincipled person; one with-
out scruples. Edgar deemed himself a reprobate, a criminal, and a traitor in his
written confession.

rogue(roh) n.1. a dishonest, unprincipled person. 2. a pleasantly mis-
chievous person. 3. a vicious and solitary animal living apart from the herd.
Yesterday, that rogue hid all of my cooking utensils; today he’s switched everything
around in the cupboards!

sycophant(sik·o ̆·fa ̆nt) n.a person who tries to win the favor of influential
or powerful people through flattery; a fawning parasite. The president is sur-
rounded by sycophants, so how will he really know if his ideas have merit?

urbane(ur·bayn) adj.elegant, highly refined in manners; extremely tact-
ful and polite. Christopher thinks he’s so urbane, but he’s really quite pedestrian.

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