501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

For numbers 121–130, read the following sentences carefully. Decide
which answer best describes the italicized vocabulary word and circle
the letter of the correct answer. If you do not own this book, please
write your answers on a separate piece of paper.

  1. A boorwould be likely to
    a. interrupt everyone’s conversation at the dinner table.
    b.be a gracious host or hostess.
    c. be the life of the party.
    d.be quiet and reserved.

  2. If you had a roguefor a roommate, you might expect him to
    a. work diligently to keep his grades up.
    b.keep his room sparkling clean.
    b.steal your homework and turn it in as his own.
    b.be very religious.

  3. A renegadesoldier would likely
    a. be recognized for bravery.
    b.suffer from debilitating injuries.
    c. desert his unit.
    d.be admired by his fellow soldiers.

  4. If you were a libertine,you might
    a. become a freedom fighter defending the principles of
    b.intentionally drive the wrong way down a one-way street.
    c. adhere to the rules and laws governing the liberty you enjoy.
    d.not drink anything containing alcohol.

  5. If your English professor was very erudite,she would be
    a. scholarly and highly educated.
    b.a little absentminded.
    c. very young and inexperienced.
    d.very elderly and set in her ways.

  6. A fecklessteammate would likely
    a. come in first place in most races.
    b.attend every practice.
    c. show no enthusiasm for the sport or competition.
    d.be the team captain.

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