501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1

  1. A maladroitjuggler would likely
    a. be able to juggle ten or more balls at a time.
    b.drop the balls as frequently as he caught them.
    c. be a beginning juggler.
    d.juggle very heavy objects.

  2. If you were urbane, you would
    a. have highly refined manners and etiquette.
    b.live in a city or urban area.
    c. be caustic and unpleasant.
    d.have a false pretense.

  3. If your banker were a reprobate,he or she would likely
    a. ensure that your money was turned over to your heirs in the
    event of your death.
    b.make careful documentation of every transaction and payment.
    c. misappropriate funds.
    d.have a sloppy, unprofessional appearance.

  4. If a family were described as being bourgeois,you would probably
    find them
    a. living in France.
    b.living in poverty.
    c. living a middle-class lifestyle.
    d.living a wealthy lifestyle.

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