501 Vocabulary Questions - English-Learners

(sharon) #1


  1. a. A booris a crude and offensive person; someone who is ill-

  2. c. A rogueis a dishonest, unprincipled person.

  3. c. A renegadeis one who deserts a group or cause.

  4. b.A libertineis someone who acts in an immoral or irresponsible

  5. a. To be eruditeis to be scholarly and exceptionally educated.

  6. c. To be fecklessis to demonstrate a lack of purpose or vitality.

  7. b.To be maladroitis to be clumsy and inept.

  8. a. To be urbaneis to have highly refined manners; extremely
    tactful and polite.

  9. c. A reprobateis an immoral and unprincipled person.

  10. c. Bourgeoismeans characterized by or typical of the middle class.

  11. b.A poseuris someone who puts on airs, or is phony in order to
    impress others.

  12. b.A maverickis a nonconformist, someone who acts

  13. d.Someone who is obtuseis stupid and slow to understand.

  14. b.An iconoclastattacks and may even seek to overthrow traditional
    ideas, beliefs, or institutions.

  15. d.Someone who is ignoblelacks nobility in their character.

  16. c. To be fatuousis to be complacently stupid.

  17. c. A philistineis a smug, ignorant person who is actually
    uncultured and commonplace.

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